
Christmas in November

We have skipped right over Thanksgiving and gone straight to Christmas this year:-) We went to a huge Christmas bazaar at the El Paso Convention Center. They had over 200 vendors, food, samples of treats and coffee! Oh, it was magical! Much to Mark's dismay, it put me in the mood for much shopping!

While having milk and cookies, the boys got to hear Santa read, "The Night Before Christmas". We even got their picture taken with Santa already. I remember last year we didn't get that done until Christmas Eve; the mall was already closing. Since I don't have much to do right now, I'm actually ahead of schedule this year:-)
We'll see how long that lasts.

Brandon and Gavin were both quick to give Santa their biggest wishes for Christmas. Why does that guy always get the credit?!?

I'm sure I will have lots of holiday pictures to post later on, but here are a few bits of Christmas joy for now...


Journey on! by Kelleye said...

I know isn't it strange to be thinking festive Christmas right now??!!!!! We went to a Christams shopping thingy this weekend also and no matter how I tried, I couldn't get into the Christmas spirit- I still am preparing for Thanksgiving! Cute post- oh and I loved your last comment on mine- I had never heard that song before, the words are amazing- thanks for that!

Journey on! by Kelleye said...

Ok, as I look at my AVATAR- which happens to be last years Christmas card and family photo- geese its even subliminal=)

Blessings from the Reeds said...

Soooo jealous over here in Hewitt! Wow, what fun! You know I would have loved something like that. I bet your mom enjoyed it too. AND the picture of the boys.....well let me just say you could use those as your Christmas cards cause they are PERFECT!

MLP said...

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lovin' ALL of the pictures and the new blog look! FABULOUS!!!

Oh, Adrianne, your boys are just so handsome!!! We miss ya'll!