
Brandon's second to last day at Burnham Wood Elementary

Brandon's last day at Burnham Wood is tomorrow.  As most know, we are leaving this dreadful city and moving to Olympia, WA.  It has been my LONG time dream to move back to the state where I grew up.  I love it as much as ever.  My SWEET, WONDERFUL, TERRIFIC husband has done everything he could to get us up there and he has succeeded.  I'm so grateful to him and to God for this move.  It's been a long, hard year, but it's looking up!!!

Brandon loves his teacher at Burnham Wood this year and he was on Honor Roll.  Hopefully, our sweet boy will love WA and his new school as well.

Here are a couple of his school projects~

Diorama for "Super Fudge". Hilarious book!!

Mobil of the the solar system.  Didn't there use to be another planet?