
Shenanigans at the Sun Bowl

Gavin started a ruckus at the Sun Bowl because he wanted to play himself some football. He just didn't understand why he couldn't play with the big boys.

Gavin got more disgruntled as the day went on. Started fighting with Brandon and anyone else who looked at him wrong. And just look where they ended up...


Blessings from the Reeds said...

Look how happy he looks in Jail? ha! Funny picture! How is Mark doing? Thinking of you guys. LOVE the new blog look.

MLP said...

You pick the cutest backgrounds! Love it!!!

T-dawg and I were wondering about Mark?!?

This post is too funny! Love it!


your a reader of my two bffs blessing with the reeds and mindy and much more i'm sure mind no you get on over tyo my follower button and click it so i can follow you. how is teh move doing ? any better

i'm telling you change is diffierent not for every one but in this economy a new home and your own ride withthe flow and you can make it home as long as you loved ones your family is there is is a easy ajustment.

hope to hear from you soon take care.