
It's all about the Kicks

Brandon has been working hard and received his "Yellow Belt", in Karate today!

We are so proud of him!

Being a yellow belt is exhausting.

Good job Honey!


MLP said...

Way to go, Brandon! That is awesome!!! So handsome, too!

Blessings from the Reeds said...

Brandon I am so proud of you! Way to go. I know you worked hard on that belt. I would love to see your moves someday. I hope we can see you and your family someday soon. Congrats B!

Wornells said...

You must be so excited Brandon! You really earned it. I am proud of you TP.

Journey on! by Kelleye said...

Aw.. isn't that awesome! Great pics you got! Is this were we make up our mind- Facebook or Blog, Myspace or twitter? Is it truly possible to be a busy mom and really pull this off?
Since you have been polling lately- LOL!!!!!!