
I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas

Maybe I'll get one afterall. It snowed for quite awhile today. I was sitting at the computer and glanced up at the window. Much to my surprise and delight...it was snowing. Didn't stick for long though. I am a crazy snow finatic. I really need to move to the North Pole with Santa. Everyone around here today was bundled from head to toe. I couldn't even bring myself to wear a jacket. I did finally change from flip flops to boots:-)

Brandon and I decided we are officially staying in El Paso now. If it's snowing, we're staying. Even if it never gets thick enough to make snow angels, we'll settle for a good snowball fight.


Gina said...

Absolutely Beauuuutiful!

Blessings from the Reeds said...

I am so Jealous!!! Wow, that is beautiful. Missing you guys this time of year:)

MLP said...

CRAZY!!! None of that in your old hood! Missing you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!

Journey on! by Kelleye said...

Is that normal for it to snow there? I have missed your posting- where are you???? That is Elpaso in the pic? wow- nothing like what I thought- tho I knew it close to NM- didn't figure it for mountains- you know your straight down I-20 from me at about 500 miles! that sign flips me out- on the map- Elpaso looks like a hop, skip and a jump! Hey if you find a good sledding hill for the kids- tell me- where looking for a quick snow spot- all I have found so far is Ruidoso.