
Guess we are REALLY staying in El Paso

We've been here for six months, our house in Hewitt doesn't belong to us anymore and until today, I was still in denial that we aren't going back. Not that I don't like El Paso, it's just been a major change. But today we went to look at our new house and there are walls! We've been waiting and waiting and just like that...walls. Well, I guess we're here to stay. I have to get use to the crazy traffic, busy people, busy schools, busy restaurants and people that really like to dress up. I haven't been a dress up kinda girl since we left California. But from this moment forward, I will embrace El Paso and all of it's personality. It is our home; I will love it and thank God for it!

"Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don't try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the One who will keep you on track". Proverbs 3:5-6


Blessings from the Reeds said...

I catch myself looking outside at your house for your cars still. As much as I really hate that you are gone I understand God has a plan for you. When we heard about Mark it killed me to not be able to go check on you guys but I thank God for emails and blogs that help keep us together. Your just one of those friends that I don't want to let go! My prayers are always with your family and the wonderful plan he has for you guys. Yeah for walls! and all the joys to come in El Paso. We love ya'll!


hi there wow it looks nice and big, i saw you on blessings from the reeds wanted to say hi and wow what a header , happy new year baby, did he drink all of that lol and then pass out. was that his best sleep ever.. your's too I hope you start to like your new area, god has big plans for you and I just know that as ong as you are there with your family you will love it.. it's always hard new places, new faces but you will meet and greet many people there real sonn if you have not already

god bless and take care of those cute kids..

MLP said...

AHHHHHHHHHH...well, I guess I better accept it, too! Just playing! I am happy for you guys and I just know that El Paso LOVES ya'll! They are VERY lucky to get you!!!

Lovin' the walls! Miss you guys!!!

Journey on! by Kelleye said...

I know what you mean! Something about that 6 months mark- gets ya! I have been going thru the same EXACT thing! Only I live in Rhinestone****! As far as dress up! Doesn't go to well with sweats!
Your home is looking good and that at least gives you something to be excited about with your surroundings!