
Aaahh, a rare moment of quiet, smily faces...

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Gina said...

Hi Adrienne! I love seeing your posts! They are sooo cute! I love watching my GORGEOUS nephews Brandon and Gavin! Let them know I said that!

I love you both sooo much! Auntie Gin... See you soon..

Journey on! by Kelleye said...

Tooooo cute!!!!!!! I know what you mean about the fighting! I have had my fill of the knit-picking- they are in the process now of sitting on the couch for 30 min. with out touching one another or moving or ELSE! Everyday we are going to do this until they can keep them-thar hands to themselves!

Blessings from the Reeds said...

Ok, this breaks my heart that I can't see them in person! I miss these two. We will miss you guys this weekend in the Hood. Big hugs to all!!! Thank you for the sweet card. You bet I would be making you some chili right now!