
Happy Birthday Gavin

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Can't believe my baby is 3 years old. It goes by in a blink. Here's a video show of our little love.(Turn off the flash player to hear the video music).


Blessings from the Reeds said...

These are GREAT! He and Luke would soooo get along:) I think one day their skills may pay off for us. Maybe they will build us a house with all that talent! I hope he had a WONDERFUL birthday! We sure do miss him:)

MLP said...

You are so good at creating those!!! Love love love it! Your boys are just handsome beyond words! Love and miss ya'll so much!!!

Your blog looks FANASTIC!!! Love the pics on the side!

MLP said...

That was supposed to say fanTastic!!!

Anonymous said...

♥ Great Blog... I luv it!!! Mwahhh... ^_^