

Wishing everyone a happy and blessed New Year!


Vasquez Christmas 2008

Christmas Eve
Leaving Reindeer Feed (Instant Oatmeal)
You can tell by the no shirt, no shoes, that the cold doesn't bother these two!

Since our TV is sitting in front of our fireplace right now, Brandon left a key outside for Santa.

Gavin loved the candy left in his stocking. Santa could've made it a little easier to open though.

Sweet Face

Rascal Face

Even pirates love Christmas.

So silly!

Oh Dad, a Wii!!! You're the best!
(Brandon thinks it's for him, but I think Mark really got it for himself!)

I just love Christmas clutter.

Handy Manny tools. Can't wait to see what Gavin is going to fix now!

Papa came all the way from Hot Springs (22 hours)...

and Tio John came all the way from Austin to see these stinkers. We are enjoying the time with them!

Merry Christmas to all...

And to all a goodnight.


Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas

For unto us a child is born...

And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid...Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord."
Luke 2:8-11 NIV


I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas

Maybe I'll get one afterall. It snowed for quite awhile today. I was sitting at the computer and glanced up at the window. Much to my surprise and was snowing. Didn't stick for long though. I am a crazy snow finatic. I really need to move to the North Pole with Santa. Everyone around here today was bundled from head to toe. I couldn't even bring myself to wear a jacket. I did finally change from flip flops to boots:-)

Brandon and I decided we are officially staying in El Paso now. If it's snowing, we're staying. Even if it never gets thick enough to make snow angels, we'll settle for a good snowball fight.


Welcome to Blogland!

I just want to welcome my 'better late than never' Bestie to Blogland! With enough badgering and begging, I knew I could get you to join:-) I look forward to seeing all the pictures of your adorable boys and family! xoxo



I have so many things to be thankful for, I could never list them all. I thank God for blessing me with more than I could dare to dream. Here are the blessings at the top of my list...

Love my Honey so much...his optimistic outlook and nutty sense of humor balance my "sourness". I would not be complete without him.

Love my first little rascal...Brandon has such a kind heart. He is mild and sweet; a pure delight.

Love my second little rascal...Gavin is our adventurer. He is such a joy; full of energy and keeps me laughing. He is made up of everything boy.

Thankful for my Mom and Dad. Love you very much!

We thank you, O God! We give thanks because you are near. People everywhere tell of your mighty miracles. Psalm 75:1 NLT

I'm so thankful for our family and friends. We love and miss everyone so much. Have a very happy and blessed Thanksgiving.


More Christmas Cheer

Our second visit with Santa so far this year. The boys REALLY want to make sure their requests have been heard loud and clear. This was at a "Tree Lighting Ceremony" to start off the Christmas Season. My season started about 2 weeks ago:-) It was nice and COLD too. Actually starting to feel like Autumn. Maybe by January, it will feel like Christmas:-)


Happy Birthday Mikaela

Wishing you lots of fun and happiness.
You are such a joy to know!
We miss you and love you so much.


My Priceless Treasures

We took Brandon and Gavin to get vintage photos taken. They had a lot of fun with them. Gavin especially loved trying to drive that firetruck off the set:-) Hopefully, I will get these sent out with Christmas cards. If not, at least they're posted:-)


Rat Boys

Stinkin' kids!!! After I spent 3 grueling hours at the hair salon today, I came home to these comments..."Mom, what happened to your hair?" "What is that on your head?" "I like it better curly". Now, anyone that knows me, knows I have very curly hair. It took lots of shiny gloss and two beauticians to blow dry and straighten my birds nest. I also had to have color to cover all the gray. Hmmm, never had gray hair before kids. Can't believe I birthed those two little rats!


Favorite Photo Friday

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Sorry, there are a million pictures here. If you want to view them faster, use the arrow key to move them along. Hewitt Hoodies - I know you have seen a lot of these before, but they are still some of my favorite photos of your cuties.

This should be enough "Favorite Photo Friday" pictures to last the entire lifetime of my blog!